Business Disputes

Strategic Business Counsel Designed To Meet Your Needs

Markus & Sheridan, LLP, has represented thousands of closely-held and family businesses, shareholders, employees and other individuals in commercial litigation and arbitration and achieved remarkable results. Our attorneys each have more than a decade of litigation experience in a wide range of business litigation and commercial disputes, including:

  • Breach of contract
  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Partnership disputes
  • Shareholder disputes
  • Insurance disputes
  • Fraud

We Let You Focus On Your Business

Though our approach to litigation is aggressive, we also recognize business disputes can command so much time from company executives that they give short shrift to short-term and long-term strategic planning. While legal disputes are inevitable in business settings, lengthy litigation is not always necessary.

At our law firm, we strive to take a step back and remain objective at all times. We believe that in order to be effective counsel in litigation, particularly in a business dispute, a lawyer must possess more than experience. He or she also needs knowledge, analytical ability, powers of persuasion, an understanding of the business environment, and a grasp of financial principles. You will find just such an attorney at Markus & Sheridan, LLP.

Learn More About Our Services

At Markus & Sheridan, LLP, we provide tailored solutions for your business concerns. Call our Mount Kisco law office at 914-241-6300 or send us an email using the contact form, below.

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