Prenuptial And Postnuptial Agreements Can Prevent Major Legal Headaches
Creating a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement is one of the best ways to avoid a future marital dispute. Whether you are considering marriage and need a legal agreement that outlines the personal assets you own before you get married or you want to establish an agreement regarding equitable distribution of shared martial property or address potential support matters, our Westchester County prenuptial agreement lawyers can assist you.
How A Prenuptial Or Postnuptial Agreement Can Help You
Establishing a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement does not mean that you and your future spouse don’t trust each other or that you are preparing for failure. Instead, it helps put your mind at ease by protecting your children of a prior marriage in the event of divorce or in the event something should happen to you. It will also establish a clear understanding that strikes the right balance to address you and your fiancé or spouses respective financial circumstances, allowing you to focus on your marriage.
Either type of agreement will cover all of your concerns, including finances, asset protection, and the needs of your children. And either type of agreement will protect you in the case of divorce or death.
Experience A Commitment To Service
An experienced attorney at our firm can help you draft an agreement at any point prior to or during your marriage. Both parties disclose their financial information and each individual comes to the table willing to discuss all concerns. We encourage an open environment and provide trustworthy, reliable counsel.
At Markus & Sheridan, LLP, we draw upon our decades of experience practicing family law and estate planning to help you develop an effective marital agreement. We take pride in our ability to assess risk and analyze finances in marital matters.
To learn more about how our experienced lawyers can assist you in creating a postnuptial or prenuptial agreement in Westchester County or the New York City metropolitan area, contact Markus & Sheridan online, or call our law office at 914-241-6300 or 212-682-1115.